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We are committed to continue transforming ourselves to be more productive, efficient and improve results.


In our Annual Report 2022 we address the actions implemented to overcome the major challenges we face.

The following abbreviations will be used throughout this report:

CO2 = carbon dioxide
g/t = grams per metric ton
GWh = gigawatt per hour
k = thousands
koz = thousand ounces
kt = thousand metric tons
KWh = kilowatts per hour
lb = pounds
Ml = million liters
Mm3 = million cubic meters
Mt = million metric tons
MW = megawatt
MXN, Ps = Mexican peso
oz = ounce
t = metric tons
tCO2e = metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
US$ = US dollars
US¢ = US cents
US¢/lb = US cents per pound
US¢/lbe = US cents per pound equivalent
US$ M = million dollars
US$/oz = US dollars per ounce
US$/t = US dollars per metric ton