At Peñoles, we work in a socially responsible and ethical manner, and generate shared value for our stakeholders.

US $4.67B

in ordinary sales revenues.


102-7-a.iv, 102-45, 103-1, 103-2, 103-3,
201-1-a, 203-1, 203-2

At Peñoles, we work in a socially responsible and ethical manner, and generate shared value for our stakeholders: shareholders, employees, communities, customers, suppliers, government and financial institutions.

The Fourth Financial Statement1,2, presented here shows the value generated by Peñoles and contributed to Mexico’s economic development, and how it was distributed among its various stakeholders:

Technical notes:
  • The data reported for costs include only tangible goods and services used in production.
  • A distinction is made between national and international costs, depending on whether the good or service was purchased in Mexico or if it was imported from another country.
  • The “Reinvestment in the company” item includes profits for the 2020 fiscal year that will be made available to the Board of Directors in accordance with the powers delegated to it by the Shareholders Meeting.

The attached notes are an integral part of the Fourth Financial Statement and explain the details about the components of value generation and distribution.

More information about the macroeconomic environment, as well as of the company’s operating and financial performance can be found in the 2020 Annual Report and at www.peñ

201-1-a Value generated* (US$ 000)
2020 % 2019 %
Net sales 4,673,309 100 4,471,948 100
Domestic costs and expenses 1,649,056 40 1,773,055 40
Foreign costs and expenses 224,871 5 241,780 5
Total costs and expenses 1,873,927 45 2,014,835 45
Total value generated 2,799,382 55 2,457,113 55

* Data include operations of Industrias Peñoles and its subsidiaries.

201-1-a Value distributed* (US$ 000)
2020 % 2019 %
Employees 383,813 13.71 392,632 16.0
Contractors 904,904 32.33 1,034,101 42.1
Government 243,597 8.70 18,430 0.8
Shareholders 33,842 1.21 236,858 9.6
Community and environment 63,061 2.25 77,154 3.1
Reinvestment in the company 887,206 31.69 591,889 24.1
Interest 282,959 10.11 106,049 4.3
Total value distributed 2,799,382 100 2,457,113 100

* Data include operations of Industrias Peñoles and its subsidiaries.

US$ 2.8 B

total value generated and distributed among stakeholders.

Work team Level 1520, Milpillas mine

Work team Level 1520, Milpillas mine

Note 1: Origin of revenue

a) Revenue
In 2020, we reported a total of US$ 4.67 billion in ordinary sales revenues.

b) Prices
Due to the pandemic, metal prices dropped sharply, particularly in the first quarter of the year. In the case of industrial metals, prices recovered gradually; zinc and lead quotations recovered some of their value, but on average ended the year 11.2% and 8.7% lower, respectively, than the year before. For copper, with better market conditions, the average price grew slightly (2.7%). As for precious metal prices, although they dropped initially, they recovered to levels higher than in the recent past. The price of silver gained 27.7%, and gold, considered a safe haven asset, increased 27.1%, buoyed by widespread uncertainty over the pandemic.

c) Production
Refined gold output fell to 957,209 ounces (-14.0%), due primarily to lower treatment of doré at the Herradura and Noche Buena mines. Some remitters temporarily suspended the supply of concentrates, and although the situation returned to normal around mid-year, we had some trouble supplying the necessary amount and quality needed for mixtures to be processed at the lead smelting plant. With this, lead and silver production declined by 2.4% and 6.2%, to 70.6 million ounces and 111,538 metric tons, respectively, from their levels in the previous year.

The following details show how revenue was generated according to the different markets we supply.

Sales by market* (US$ 000)
2020 % 2019 %
Domestic 629,201 13 711,611 15.91
United States 2,347,724 50 3,060,145 68.43
Asia 429,632 9 287,426 6.43
Europe 629,123 13 371,330 8.30
South America 40,493 1 20,897 0.47
Canada 583,362 12 433 0.01
Others 13,774 0 20,106 0.45
Total 4,673,309 100 4,471,948 100
Sales by product (%)
Product 2020 2019
Silver 31 26
Gold 35 35
Zinc 13 16
Lead 5 6
Ore concentrates 7 7
Copper 2 3
Sodium sulfate 2 3
Other products 5 5
Total 100 100


increase in price of silver and 27.1% in gold.

Note 2: Cost components

a) Costs
The following table shows the change in costs for the years 2020 and 2019:

Operating costs (US$ 000)
2020 % 2019 %
Metal 1,019,928 1,019,928 945,992 47
Energy 378,985 20 416,381 21
Operating materials 345,973 18 374,662 19
Raw materials 31,428 2 34,063 2
Others 97,613 5 243,737 12
Total 1,873,927 100 2,014,835 100

The following tables describe the breakdown of energy resources, operating materials and raw materials:

Energy resources (US$ 000)
2020 2019
Electricity 211,435 191,564
Natural gas 21,710 26,599
Coke 18,363 21,809
Diesel 111,753 155,682
Fuel and lubricants 15,724 20,726
Total 378,985 416,380
Operating materials (%)
2020 2019
Explosives and detonators 49,127 61,191
Balls and bar mills 35,844 35,682
Tires and inner tubes 17,598 19,173
Other materials 14,709 14,856
Sodium cyanide 23,456 26,502
Steel and drilling bits 14,967 16,589
Slaked lime 7,130 8,218
Cement 3,286 4,583
Safety equipment 13,620 14,273
Other reagents 24,514 25,062
Steel and iron 7,446 10,908
Hoses and accessories 7,331 11,527
Construction materials 8,920 11,014
Magnesium-calcium alloy 2,119 2,434
Zinc 5,060 6,004
Mills and crusher armor 14,879 15,468
Anchors 8,704 11,586
Others 87,263 79,591
Total 345,973 374,661
Raw materials (US$ 000)
2020 2019
Ammonia 19,599 21,421
Copper cement 4,404 3,906
Magnesium oxide 4,226 5,331
Zinc slag 1,514 1,682
Sulfuric acid 214 175
Others 1,471 1,547
Total 31,428 34,062

b) Purchases
We had a total of 30,498 suppliers, more than the 29,890 of the previous year. The breakdown of suppliers by type of purchase for 2020 and 2019 is detailed in the following table:

Registered suppliers
2020 % 2019 %
Supplies 11,055 36.2 10,881 36.4
Transport 1,202 3.9 1,193 4.0
Contractors 1,389 4.6 1,358 4.5
Customs agents 216 0.7 213 0.7
Services 16,094 52.8 15,709 52.6
Fixed assets 40 0.1 40 0.1
Concentrates 502 1.6 496 1.7
Total 30,498 100 29,890 100

Peñoles promotes the country’s development by creating jobs and business opportunities for different domestic industries. We have domestic suppliers distributed across Mexico.

As for suppliers outside of Mexico, the United States ranks first, with 58% of the total, followed by Canada, with 9%, the United Kingdom with 5% and other 64 countries collectively accounting for the remaining 28%.

Note 3: Value distribution indicators

a) Employees
At Peñoles, we generate dignified and fair job opportunities. During 2020 we paid a total of US$ 383.8 million to direct employees and other employees working for the company.

Value distribution to employees (US$ 000)
2020 2019
Wages 108,056 114,553
Salaries 57,092 59,000
Benefits 90,816 96,956
Subtotal 255,964 270,509
Overtime 15,126 14,352
Other benefits 83,119 89,705
Profit-sharing 29,604 18,066
Total 383,813 392,632

b) Contractors
In 2020, we paid a total of US$ 904.9 million for outsourced services. The following table shows the different services received and amounts paid:

Contractors (US$ 000)
2020 % 2019 %
Development and works 455,197 50 504,078 49
Maintenance 240,069 27 264,915 26
Major repairs 70,359 8 77,137 7
Fees 77,859 9 87,458 8
Security 16,627 2 16,786 2
Other items 44,793 5 83,727 8
Total 904,904 100 1,034,101 100

c) Government
Total tax payments in 2020 were US$ 243.6 million.

d) Shareholders
Peñoles is a public company whose shares have been listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) since 1968 under the PE&OLES ticker symbol.

Distribution of ordinary dividents (US$ 000)
2020 2019
Shareholders - controlling entity 3 155,243
Non-controlling interest 33,839 81,615
Total 33,842 236,858

e) Community and the environment
The following table reflects the different contributions made by the company in connection with our responsible and sustainable commitment to the environment:

Contributions to the community and the environment (US$ 000)
2020 2019
Community 7,984 11,232
Environment 6,967 7,561
Depreciation of social assets 56,098 47,368
Provision for ecological expense -7,988 10,993
Total 63,061 77,154

US$ 296 million in fixed assets for social use or social purposes.

In accordance with the Peñoles Sustainable Development Policy, there is a provision that is used to progressively restore the mining units up to the date when it is estimated that their mineral reserves will be depleted. In 2020, this provision totaled US$ 460.6 million.

f) Reinvestment in the company
Items that provide for the regeneration or survival of the company’s production capacity, capital or social value are included; essentially, earnings net of dividend distribution and fiscal year depreciations (including the results in the cancellation of fixed assets)

Reinvestment in the company (US$ 000)
2020 2019
Depreciation, amortization, depletion
and others
955,432 793,275
Income from operations -34,384 35,472
Less controlling entity shareholder dividends
and noncontrolling interest
-33,842 -236,858
Total 887,206 591,889

US$ 383 M

paid to direct employees in 2020.

US$ 904.9 M

paid to contractors.

Retained earnings remain at the disposal of the Board of Directors, in accordance with the powers delegated to it by the Shareholders Meeting.

g) Interests
In 2019 and 2020 we paid US$ 106 and US$ 283 million, respectively in interest payments and foreign exchange losses. It also considers the company’s obligations to financial institutions and other capital suppliers or third-party financing and the payment of special, additional and extraordinary rights to mining companies for the constitution of the Mining Fund for Sustainable Regional Development, whose investment goal is to favor physical investment with a positive social, environmental and urban development impact for mining municipalities.


In this 2020 Report we present the sustainability performance of the operations of Peñoles and the generation of shared value with the groups of interest.

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