Share price (mxn)

  • Volume (BMV) 247.02(+0.68%)

  • Volumen 36,689

Last Update: 9/10/2019 - 10:39


Our Commitment

Employing a preventive approach, we manage sustainability in every aspect of our business for the benefit of present and future generations.

  • Responsible Industry Statement

    Peñoles is committed to a policy of high ethical standards, imbued by our values of Confidence, Responsibility, Respect, Integrity and Loyalty

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  • Sustainability Policy

    Striving for harmony with communities and the environment, our value chain is supported by a culture of prevention to protect life, health and ecosystems

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  • Our strategy

    Our 6 strategic pillars embody a set of 5-year projects, targets, and metrics to achieve our vision

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Share price (mxn)

  • {{clave}} (BMV) {{accion}}({{porcentaje}}%)

  • Volume {{volumen}}

Last Update: {{fecha}}




  • {{producto}} {{precio}} ({{unidad}})